March 28, 2025

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The White House

In the Current Issue

Volume 140 - Number 1 - Spring 2025


On the Congress Beat: How the Structure of News Shapes Coverage of Congressional Action
JAMES M. CURRY, FRANCES E. LEE, Robert L. Oldham examine news coverage on the Congressional response to COVID. They find that media coverage, even during this period of bipartisan cooperation and legislative productivity, was largely focused on conflict and inaction.

Nationalism and Conflict: How Do Variations of Nationalism Affect Variations in Domestic and International Conflict?
Benjamin Miller develops a theoretical framework to explain the effects of nationalism on international and domestic conflicts in the 21st century. He distinguishes among five types of nationalism and argues that they explain variation in peace and conflict in different parts of the world.

Containing the COVID-19 Pandemic Under an External Threat: A Case Study of Taiwan
Chia-hung Tsai AND Shane Hsuan-yu Lin explore the relationship between Taiwanese citizens’ trust in China and their satisfaction with government COVID policies. They find that public opinion about China influenced public satisfaction with public health policies.

Rethinking the Basic Models of Presidential Leadership: Eisenhower, Greenstein, and Federal Highway Expansion
Charles U. Zug analyzes the 1956 Highway Act. Zug argues that the Act was a decisive leadership failure by the Eisenhower administration that contradicts Fred Greenstein’s characterization of Eisenhower as a successful “hidden hand” leader.

Do Montreal! A Review Article
J. B. RULH reviews Fixing the Climate: Strategies for an Uncertain World by Charles F. Sable and David G. Victor. Rulh discusses the broader applications of the book to climate change governance and global threats and draws conclusions about when experimentalist governance is best suited to problem-solving.

Why Has the Franco-American Security Relationship Been so Semi—Hostile for so Long?
Andrew J. Williams reviews Sister Republics: Security Relations between America and France by David Haglund. He argues that the book shows how the weight of history continues to impact Franco-American relations.

Who Governs Now?
Thomas Ogorzalek reviews Local Interests: Politics, Policy, and Interest Groups in U.S. City Governments by Sarah Anzia. He assesses what is gained and lost in the quantitative rebirth of local politics analysis and how the field can continue to focus on the issues of democracy, inequality, and public policy.

Democracy Through Strength in Modern Asia: A Review Essay
Junyan Jiang reviews Dan Slater and Joseph Wong’s From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia. The article raises questions about the conditions and consequences of elite-led democratization in East and Southeast Asia.

The Talented Tenth Meets the Twenty-First Century: Young, Gifted and Diverse in the Post-Affirmative Action Era
Patricia G. Davis reviews Young, Gifted, and Diverse: Origins of the New Black Elite by Camille Z. Charles, Rory Kramer, Douglas Massey, and Kimberly C. Torres. She examines the book’s findings on the experiences of Black elite college students as part of a broader discursive field that encapsulates the dismantling of affirmative action in higher education.

Christianity, Enlightenment, and the American Experiment: A Review Essay
George Thomas reviews The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics: Political Theology, Natural Law, and the American Founding by Kody Cooper and Justin Dyer. Thomas highlights the importance of politics in understanding how actors during the founding years drew on multiple traditions in creating the American political order.

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Book Reviews

China's Gambit: The Calculus of Coercion, Ketian Zhang
Reviewed by Andrew Scobell

Countermobilization: Policy Feedback and Backlash in a Polarized Age, Eric M. Patashnik
Reviewed by Matt Grossmann

Leverage and Cooperation in the US World Order: The Shrewd Sheriff, Giacomo Chiozza
Reviewed by Casey McNeill

The Neighborhood Effect: The Imperial Roots of Regional Fracture in Eurasia, Anna Ohanyan
Reviewed by Nora Fisher-Onar

Leaders in the Middle East and North Africa: How Ideology Shapes Foreign Policy, Ozgur Ozdamar and Sercan Canbolat
Reviewed by Consuelo Thiers

Making Global Society: A Study of Humankind Across Three Eras, Barry Buzan
Reviewed by Andrew A. Szarejko

The Illusion of Accountability: Transparency and Representation in American Legislatures, Justin H. Kirkland and Jeffery J. Harden
Reviewed by Tessa Provins

Closed for Democracy: How Mass School Closure Undermines the Citizenship of Black Americans, Sally A. Nuamah
Reviewed by Sarah Reckhow

Active and Passive Citizens: A Defense of Majoritarian Democracy, Richard Tuck
Reviewed by Nadia Urbinati

China's Rising Foreign Ministry: Practices and Representations of Assertive Diplomacy, Dylan M. H. Loh
Reviewed by Denghua Zhang

One and All: The Logic of Chinese Sovereignty, Pang Laikwan
Reviewed by David Hazard

Advocacy and Change in International Organizations: Communication, Protection, and Reconstruction in UN Peacekeeping, Kseniya Oksamytna
Reviewed by Cecilia Corsini

Theorizing in Comparative Politics: Democratization in Africa, Goran Hyden
Reviewed by Erin Accampo Hern

Terms of Exclusion: Rightful Citizenship Claims and the Construction of LGBT Political Identity, Zein Murib
Reviewed by Donald Haider-Markel

Shocking Contrasts: Political Responses to Exogenous Supply Shocks, Ronald L. Rogowski
Reviewed by Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke

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Academy Forum | Latino Voters
Academy Forum | Human Rights Pragmatism
Biennial Election Analysis - 2022 Midterms
Assessing Futures Intelligence:
Looking Back on Global Trends 2025
Congratulations Robert Y. Shapiro | 2022 AAPOR Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement
Book Talk | Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic
How to Stop Jihadist Foreign Fighters
Trump and the Turn to Great Power Competition
The State of American Democracy
Book Talk with Andrew Hacker
Panel III Highlights - Greater Good Gathering
Panel V Highlights - Greater Good Gathering
Robert Jervis - Panel VII - Greater Good Gathering

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Is Rule of Law Enough to Protect Democracy?
March 27, 2025
7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. ET


Editor’s spotlight

Jimmy Carter's Legacy

Jimmy Carter's Public Policy Ex-Presidency
John Whiteclay Chambers II

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